Lemme Show You Me! :D

I'm Rara. Was born on November 1st 1993, Bandung. My Daddy gave me name: Ratu Tresna Ning Gusti. I was born as a muslim and a little sister from my bigsis: Putri Galih Ning Gusti.
I'm 18 now. I have a good friends---who leave me when I need shoulder to cry (I mean, yeah. They just wanna make me more stronger :P)---and a good guy like my brother in E-world.

I'm much exciting at writing. I just see something inside myself which producting words like water sirculation. I love literature so much. I love Sapardi Djoko Damono, I love Sinasari S. Ecip, I love Sutardji Calzoum Bachri, I love Jalaluddin Rumi, I love Khalil Gibran. I love reading their brain, I love to be sink in their world.

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